Role Growth Is the Key - Part 1

Oct 07, 2024

The Application of Knowledge Is Power

In 1597, English philosopher Francis Bacon wrote Meditationes Sacrae (Sacred Meditations). In that document he coined a phrase that has been used ever since, “Knowledge is Power.” He was also a scientist, one of the founders of the emerging field of science. It’s easy to see where he was coming from. The more evidence you have the more you know. The more you know the better you can understand what is really happening in nature instead of assuming it is just a miracle.

In a world flooded with knowledge, though, the power of knowledge has been diluted. If all we needed was knowledge, we would all be in great shape, have great relationships, and be independently wealthy. Why? The knowledge to achieve these three goals is already available for everyone on the internet. In this era, the more accurate phrase is

“The application of knowledge is power.”

It’s not what you know that creates growth, it’s what you do with what you know that determines whether growth happens or not. That brings us to the workplace and building the workforce you need to thrive today. 

I’ve designed and led leadership and team training for 37 years. My observation is that most people will apply 10% of what they learned in training unless application is built into the training and reinforcement continues after the training. Knowing the behaviors of growth is different than applying the behaviors of growth. The behaviors of growth only come alive when people apply them daily in their role. This is the most important concept in workforce development today:

“Role Growth is THE key to Performance Growth”


When people are growing in their role, they become more emotionally invested in what they do every day. They develop greater levels of awareness, initiative, and discipline. As these skills grow, the more they begin to exhibit the behaviors of growth  – the ability to see, anticipate, and respond in ways that support growth. When it comes to the people side of your job, as a leader, you have one tasks - help everyone on your team grow in their role. Do that and performance will take care of itself.

Focus on Role Growth, That’s Why You Hired Them

In the first chapter we talked about the first decade of the 21st century. In that era the unspoken development model was “hire good people, turn them loose, and they will develop themselves.” It didn’t work then, and it doesn’t work now. What does work, though, is development that is focused on role growth. This is the missing piece in most organizations:

A process to help people grow in their role.

We preach growth but we don’t design growth. We try to inspire growth but lack a process to help everyone grow in their role. We know what we want – self-starters - thinkers, adapters, innovators. Our actions, though, tend to create doers of tasks rather than drivers of growth.  

There is precedent, though, that demonstrates the value of role growth. All the skilled trades (electricians, plumbers, welders, and others) have clear stages of growth for people to follow- apprentice, journeyman,  and master. Elite military units have a process to help service members grow in their role. College and professional athletic teams have so many assistance coaches and staff for one reason – to help athletes grow in their role. Here’s the point:

 Role Growth Is the Fastest Way to Accelerate Performance Growth

 The Formula for High Performance

At the time of this writing, workforce development is a major crisis in every segment of the workforce. This crisis takes 3 different forms. Some organizations can’t find enough people. Other organizations need higher skill levels in their team. Others need to retain the workforce they have. One solution will help address each of these workforce issues – create a clear process to help people grow in their role. Higher skill levels and performance are a natural byproduct of helping people grow in their role. Work is more fun when you are growing in your role. The workplace is more energizing, engaging, and empowering when everyone is getting better at their craft. Plus, people always stay longer when you are investing in their professional development.

Most leadership books, workshops, and coaching today are built around helping you be a more engaged and effective leader. And to be honest, most of us probably do need to be more engaged and effective. Higher levels of performance, though, require more than engaged leadership. How you lead is just one part of the equation. The other part of the equation is a process to help everyone grow in their role. Without a process to develop people in their role you are guessing at success rather than building for success. 

Role Growth + Engaged Leadership = High Performance

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